PARENTS of children at All Cannings Primary School are being urged to co-operate with a parking scheme organised by governors to address road safety issues.

The school has suffered with problems of traffic congestion at either end of the school day caused by inconsiderate parking by some parents who drop off and pick up their children.

The governors set up a parking group to investigate solutions and they published them in this week’s school newsletter.

They intend to introduce a managed drop-off point in the mornings for all children except those in reception year, so parents can swing in, unload children and move on.

They are introducing a “parking help sheet” for parents, giving information on possible long and short-stay parking.

Parent governor Lindy Tilley said: “It will also include ideas for park and stroll in areas around the village, for example, the Kings Arms field behind the pub, and information on illegal parking so at least we’ll all know when we’re parking somewhere we shouldn’t.”

She added: “Generally we felt some people want to park and be sociable, and that is what we like about All Cannings, but we would like to steer people into either parking outside the school car park or moving fairly quickly from short stay areas.”