Extra security measures will be introduced at St Mary’s Church, Potterne, following another break in.

Thieves forced open the vestry door and a small wooden cabinet but nothing was stolen, although damage was caused to the cabinet.

This was the second time in five months that the cabinet had been broken into.

The latest break in was discovered last Wednesday by the vicar, Reverend David Howard, when he popped into the vestry in the evening to pick up orders of service.

The previous break in happened between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day when the same cabinet was broken into and a silver communion box and two bottles of wine were stolen.

Churchwarden Janet Molland said: “We think it was the same person or people who targeted it thinking we would have replaced the box but we haven’t yet. It will cost us £1,100 to do so.

“We are a bit stunned that the church has been broken into again and it’s a nuisance. It’s an open church but sadly we are going to have it closed until we get CCTV fitted.”

Mrs Molland paid tribute to Wiltshire Police in sending a police officer out later the same evening and a scenes of crime officer the next day.

Sgt Ian Thomas of Devizes Police said: “I am shocked that anyone would break in to a place of worship.”

Anyone with information should call 101.