Explorers Alan Chambers and Ed Coates will be the main attractions at this year’s Springfields Academy summer ball.

The pair hope to help the school raise thousands of pounds for Asperger’s charity DORE and visual arts cause Engage.

Mr Chambers, who was awarded an MBE in 2000, led the first British team to walk unsupported to the North Pole.

Dr Coates, a former athlete, was part of a team of three, alongside Ben Fogle and James Cracknell, to race to the South Pole in 2008.

As well as speaking at the ball, the pair will be joining the group of vulnerable youngsters Springfields is taking to Tanzania, in the next part of their Extreme Classrooms series.

Springfields head teacher Trystan Williams said: “It is brilliant that we have got Alan and Ed speaking at this year’s event – as far as explorers go, these two are about as famous as you get.

“They will be talking about their adventures and about what they have got planned for the future.

“It is exciting to have them with us for this and for the trip – we only get back from the equator a week before the ball takes place.

“This year’s ball will be our third and they have been very successful in the past.

“Last year we raised more than £8,000 for DORE and Well Child and I hope we can do even better this year. The event is geared towards raising money and awareness of what these charities do for the most vulnerable children in our society.”

The ball takes place at the school, in Curzon Street, on July 21. Tickets cost £55. Call (01249) 814125.