Devizes MP Claire Perry was unable to attend the royal visit as planned as she was still recovering from a minor operation.

Mrs Perry had expected to be well enough to attend the Diamond Jubilee visit in Salisbury today but she was advised not to drive from London to Wiltshire and back to London tonight.

Mrs Perry did not wish to reveal details of the operation, which took place last week and was scheduled.

She said: "It's such a huge shame, the only consolation is that I was able to meet the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh when they visited Parliament recently.

"I was particularly looking forward to hearing the Salisbury Plain Military Wives Choir sing today – they are fantastic.”

Mrs Perry is still doing Parliamentary and constituency work while recovering by responding to letters and emails and Tweeting.

This morning she was interviewed on BBC Radio Four’s Today programme about her campaign for an opt-in system for internet porn.

Mrs Perry said she was looking forward to returning to Wiltshire on Thursday.