Torrential rain may have reduced the numbers attending Bluebell Sunday in West Woods, near Marlborough, and Action for the River Kennet’s Stonebridge Meadow open day on Sunday but both events still went ahead.

Wellingtons and wet weather clothing were the order of the day but people still turned out to see the magnificent sight of acre upon acre of bluebells in the woods near Lockeridge and to visit Stonebridge water meadow in Marlborough which ARK and the town council have acquired as a riverside conservation area.

Ann Forbes from ARK said: “Despite having some of the worst weather of the month friends and families came and braved the elements to see and hear about the amazing wildlife that lives in the River Kennet and the meadow, that is being managed as a wild river reserve.”

Local author and wildlife expert Peter Marren led a guided walk around the 15 acre field where visitors had good views of a variety of birds including great spotted woodpeckers and a kingfisher.

There was also much evidence of a healthy water vole population.

ARK's riverfly monitors, who carry out important surveying of river invertebrates were on hand to help children explore the river and get up close to the wide variety of creatures that live in the riverbed.

The first prize in a draw to raise money for a pond in the meadow, a £200 David Dudley Jeweller's voucher, was won by Adam Kane.

Stonebridge Meadow project officer Ms Forbes, who organised the day with her son Harry, said: “Even with the weather there were approximately 60 people who donned their wellies, bought some delicious homemade cake and enjoyed the reserve.”

The annual Bluebell Sundays, there is another this Sunday May 6, are organised by the Lions Club and spokesman John Edmonds said: “The weather was terrible but we still opened the gates so people could drive through because we had advertised it. There were a few hardy souls who braved the weather.

“Hopefully it will be better this coming Sunday,” said Mr Edmonds who added that Bluebell Sundays were a vital part of the Lions fund raising to enable the group to do its charity work.