Police officer Graham Mansell said the thought of his son Toby dragged him through the last five miles of Sunday’s London Marathon.

Mr Mansell, 31, and his wife Carly, who live in Calne, lost baby Toby in March 2010, barely one day after he was born.

Toby was born prematurely, weighing just 3lb 14.5oz, and was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia, before dying on Mothers’ Day.

Mr Mansell decided soon after that he wanted to do something in his son’s memory and took on Sunday’s marathon.

He battled through the blisters to complete it in 6:37:14.

He said: “I am really, really pleased. It was incredibly difficult, as I knew it would be.

“It was very emotional and very painful, particularly the last few miles.

“I was in tears when I finished, I was just thinking about Toby for the last five miles. I was hobbling because I had terrible blisters.

“But the atmosphere was amazing. I had Toby with me to carry me across the line and the spectators cheered me on.

“They could see I was in pain and they helped me keep going.”

To make a donation to the SANDS charity, in aid of which Mr Mansell ran, visit www.justgiving.com/Graham-Mansell-London-Marathon-2012 or text RNWL75 and the amount you wish to donate to 70070.