Town councillors in Marlborough have just one thing to say to people who want to deter cyclists using a lane connecting the High Street with George Lane: “On yer bike.”

The planning committee on Monday voted unanimously to reject moves to restrict cycling on Figgins Lane. Some councillors said cycling should be encouraged as part of Marlborough’s bid to become a more environmentally friendly transition town.

A letter from Wiltshire Council said a request had been received to consider additional measures to prevent cycling on Figgins Lane, designated as part of the Wiltshire cycleway.

Wiltshire Council did not reveal who asked for the measures, but town councillors suspected the request came from residents in neighbouring River Park.

Council officers said Figgins Lane was wide enough to have staggered barriers ‘to discourage cyclists’ and asked town councillors for their comments.

Town councillors agreed there was a problem with cyclists riding out of River Park and taking pedestrians in Figgins Lane by surprise.

Coun Rich Pitts, who is supporting the move to make Marlborough a transition town, said one way of making Figgins Lane safer for walkers would be to have a white line down the centre, with cyclists on one side and pedestrians on the other. “I would not like to discourage people from cycling around the town. We should be encouraging cyclists,” he said.

Coun Graham Francis said staggered barriers would deter cyclists and hinder people who rely on motorised buggies to reach the GP surgery in George Lane.

Coun Andrew Ross said he was opposed to restrictions on cyclists using Figgins Lane or any of the other paths around the town.

Regarding staggered barriers on Figgins Lane, Coun Ross said: “I believe these would be a stupid and unenforceable regulation.”

Councillors agreed to look at staggered barriers inside the River Park access to prevent cyclists shooting out into Figgins Lane.