Theman who headed Burbage Parish Council for more than 30 years has received the village’s highest honour, becoming its first honorary freeman.

John Powell, 79, and his wife Mary were guests of honour at a celebration on Friday, which packed the village hall.

Devizes MP Claire Perry was invited to bestow the award on Mr Powell. She presented him with an illuminated scroll, declaring him to be the first honorary freeman of Burbage.

Parish council chairman Keith Amiss invited Mrs Perry to make the presentation after he praised the long and dedicated service to the village of Mr Powell, who was wearing his OBE medal awarded in 1990 for his community work and for running the village post office for 33 years.

He was a member of the parish council for 42 years, chairman for 32 and played a major part in getting the village its bypass in 1986.

Coun Amiss said: “It gives me great pleasure that for the first time in the history of Burbage Parish Council to open a meeting with the words ‘my honorary parishioner’.”

The council chairman said parish councils had been able to give this honour only since June last year and it was being given to Mr Powell to recognise “the work and dedication of one person for the benefit of one and all”.

Coun Amiss said the award rewarded the dedicated service Mr Powell, of The Sprays, in Burbage, had given to the parish council for more than 46 years.

Mrs Perry said: “What would this village be like without all the things that John and Mary have done for so many years?”

The MP said Burbage had to be thankful for its bypass.

She said Prime Minister David Cameron spoke about the Big Society which, she added, was epitomised by the service given to Burbage by Mr Powell and by Mrs Powell, who runs the village’s Good Companions club.

Directing her comments to Mr Powell, she said: “I just wish we could clone you and have about a million more.”

Mr Powell praised the people he relied on to help with working parties, making sure rights of way were kept clear and clearing out the village pond.

He said: “It’s fantastic the number of people who always turn out to help.

“The bypass was one of the highlights of my time as chairman and it must be remembered there were people working on that before I became involved.”

Mr Powell thanked his wife for her dedicated support.