I am so glad that North Wiltshire District Council has started its Think before you park' scheme to clear the roads of badly and inconsiderately parked cars.

I can only hope that it will be matched by a Think before you restrict' campaign to set sensible parking rules. Although some people do park in a selfish way, the council should consider why people do it in the first place. Perhaps the constant squeezing of legitimate parking places, the ever lengthening of yellow lines each time they are repainted, the increase in housing and the lack of parking places in town could be considered.

Our friends with the yellow paint seem to have a bizarre view of what is dangerous to park on or restrictive of traffic flow. A couple of examples spring to mind - the ridiculous restriction on the end of the parking outside Lancett Electrical in Park Lane, Chippenham and allowing parking of taxis in New Road. I have nothing against the taxis, but if it is safe and unrestrictive now, why were the lines there for the last umpteen years?

If the council really wants to encourage use of local shops, then they are going about it in the wrong way. Having to scamper about worrying if their time is up is not going to increase the turnover of people parking in town, it is going to drive more to use out of town facilities with free parking.

Having made it harder for commuters and town centre workers to park in Chippenham, the council then suggests a residents' parking scheme for the streets these people have been forced to use. Now residents get the privilege of paying not to park where they couldn't previously park for free!

Maybe the answer is not for the council to employ extra parking enforcers, but to consider what is good, for the people. They may find the answer is to make more parking available. Think before you restrict' would be a good policy.

T MacInnes.
