North Wiltshire MP James Gray has vowed to carry on as normal despite the furore over his affair with a married woman.

Last week Mr Gray, 52, admitted to the Gazette that his marriage to wife Sarah, 51, is over after he told her of his 18-month relationship with 44-year-old countryside campaigner Philippa Mayo.

In his weekly column, to be published in the Gazette on Thursday, he writes: "When marriages sadly end, as mine has now done, that is agony enough without it being conducted in the glare of publicity which we have had over the least week or two.

"The media circus helps no one. So I will be doing my best to carry out my constituency duties in as quiet and conscientious way as I can over the next weeks and months, and hope that the media - and my constituents alike - will allow Sarah and me and the family time and space and privacy and understanding to try to sort out the rest of our lives.'' He held his regular Saturday surgery at the weekend and is due today at Redland Primary School in Chippenham to see a healthy food initiative.

See this week's Gazette or check back here on Thursday for more reaction and to read Mr Gray's full column.