I support Val Compton’s campaign (September 23) for a comprehensive review of parking in Marlborough.

Increasing numbers of cars are now parked all day at the top of Hyde Lane near Frees Avenue and in the access road to Melin Court and the Rugby Club.

These vehicles are all causing obstruction, and some are parked within ten metres of road junctions; both are criminal offences. At times it is impossible for large vehicles to access Merlin Court and St Luke’s Court without great difficulty. Since neither has alternative road access, any delay in an emergency could be fatal.

I suspect that the majority of these cars are avoiding parking charges in town; they certainly do not belong to nearby residents. The solution is to extend the existing double yellow lines from Cross Lane up Hyde Lane to Frees Avenue and to the Rugby Club. The new restrictions must then be enforced.

Robert Robinson, St Luke’s Court, Hyde Lane, Marlborough.