IT was a busy weekend for Wiltshire firefighters as they tackled a number of major blazes around the county.

One of the most serious broke out in Draycot Close, Draycot Foliat, Chiseldon, at around 11pm on Friday.

Six fire engines from Stratton St Margaret, Swindon, Westlea, Marlborough and Devizes attended.

The first appliance was on the scene within ten minutes.

A total of 36 firefighters quickly brought the fire under control.

Although no one was injured, considerable damage was done to the house.

The housing association property was occupied by Jenny and Mike Kearney and their five children, though only Mr Kearney was home at the time.

Their next-door neighbour, who didn't want to be named, said she saw smoke drifting into her house as she watched television at around 11pm.

She said: "I thought it was my outside light so I switched it off, but the smoke just kept getting thicker. Then I heard a tremendous roaring.

"I went outside and saw Mike on the lawn. He said, my house is on fire'. I called the fire brigade and they were there within ten minutes.

"The brigade men did a brilliant job. They saved my house.

"I am going to thank them personally. They were so caring and they were here until 6am."

Then, on Saturday, firefighters were called to a semi-detached house in Brind Close, Covingham, Swindon shortly after 4pm.

Teams from Stratton, Swindon and Westlea attended this blaze on the first floor of the house.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus used high pressure hose reels to bring the blaze under control and prevent it spreading to the adjoining property.

Fire brigade spokesman Phil Jones said: "Fortunately all the occupants escaped unhurt.

"Wiltshire Fire Brigade would like to remind people of the benefit of fitting smoke detectors and taking a positive attitude towards home safety."