BATH suits Angus Gardiner just fine at the moment.

It was only a matter of 12 months ago that the flanker was preparing himself for a season in the Super 12 series with New Zealand outfit Canterbury.

But, having switched across the world for good, Gardiner has fallen head over heels for the Roman city.

And that continues tomorrow when Bath bid to take another step nearer their first league title since 1996.

He said: My wife, my child and myself are enjoying ourselves over here. We haven't been homesick at all and we are out of the comfort zone that New Zealand offered us.

Since his arrival at the start of this season, Gardiner has become part of the establishment among the back row unit where selection for places is white hot.

There is also a marked difference between the type of rugby experienced when playing for Canterbury and the rough and ready of Allied Dunbar Premiership One.

The six feet one inch, 28-year-old said: I think it's difficult to compare apples with apples. We have the Super 12s back in New Zealand but over here, we have three competitions which run throughout the year and, to be honest, it's a very long season.

It's quite physical over here as well. There are so many big, strong players who you come up against but in most of the games I've played in with Bath this season, I haven't known who I was up against which in some ways is good.

Gardiner has also managed to land international honours with England A.

He said: Internationals were something which eluded me in New Zealand and it was something which was very unexpected when I came to Bath. I had been over here for only three months when I was selected.

It has made Gardiner's international career change permanent. Under International Rugby rules, once you have played for one country at A team or full international level, you cannot switch to another in the future.

Gardiner who qualifies for internationals in this country through his English-born father, added: I was never going back to New Zealand to play any more rugby.

I've moved here and this is where I will stay. It's something I've had planned out with my wife and my daughter. It's something we wanted to do.

It's always hard to settle in any city. But It's really nice here.