SMALL traders could be banned from lay-bys near Warminster in a clearing order proposed by the Highways Agency.

Popular snack vans and traders could soon be cleared out from lay-bys on the A36 after they were deemed to be dangerously close to the Warminster Road roundabout.

The scheme has already caused uproar in Beckington, where a similar scheme has been proposed.

The Highways Agency has put forward proposals to make the A36 a clearway which would mean traders would no longer be able to use the lay-bys as a retail outlet.

Robin Miller, spokesman for the agency, said there are three main reasons why the clearing order is essential on the A36, including safety, reduction of congestion and environmental aspects.

He said: "It is mainly a safety issue. You don't want big vehicles stopping to pull into lay-bys to use these facilities.

"There are a number of other roads going through the clearway order, especially busy roads which have a single carriageway.

"It is vital that the lay-bys are there for safety reasons and not to become retail outlets."

Wiltshire County Council environmental services committee have responded to the proposal, saying that each facility should be judged on its own merits and the agency should recognise the slogan 'Tiredness Kills'.

Warminster town councillors have spoken out against the proposal, saying more facilities are needed, not less.

Cllr Joan Main said the facilities were very popular and the scheme would prove to be self-defeating.

She said: "We have managed to get a bypass round Warminster, but a popular cafe with facilities in a lay-by has been closed.

"It was very popular with lorry drivers, some of whom came from Aberdeen and planned their route to break there.

"I think this is a short-sighted policy proposed by the Highways Agency."

Cllr Robert Adams said the proposal seemed to be ruining facilities which provide a valuable service, he said: "I think we should just live and let live."