MAY I, through the columns of your newspaper, congratulate our Direct Works Services staff on the hard work they do every week, but especially over the recent very bad weather.

It is true that recently we have suffered exceptionally high levels of vehicle breakdowns, even with hired vehicles. However when we were in a position to collect, with full staffing and vehicles on Monday October 30, the floods disrupted the whole week.

This resulted in collections being a day late, and for this I apologise to the electors.

Notwithstanding these problems, our staff work long and hard to collect refuse. Indeed we had several staff working on both weekends in appalling weather to retrieve the position.

During the floods our recycling crew rescued a family from a car that was filling with water. Following this, the car floated away. It is common for our staff to assist the community in times of need. Other Direct Works Staff were tirelessly filling sandbags and delivering them throughout the district, on Sunday until midnight.

The council is implementing its Best Value review of waste because the service we have been providing is unsustainable. In any process of change not all people are happy. However, we are proposing to deliver a service which reflects the concerns of the public, obtained through consultation and feedback.

Staff showed concerns regarding privatisation, when they demonstrated at the recent policy committee. This followed open consultation regarding the way forward on competition. Following this they have declared their wish to submit a tender for the new service. This will be reported to policy committee in December.

All council members are proud of their staff, their productivity levels and community spirit. They can rest assured that elected members will want to secure their commitment and protect their terms and conditions of employment in any future working arrangements.


WWDC Weavers Ward.