TENANTS in west Wiltshire now have a one-stop shop where they can get help on everything from rent problems to repairs.

West Wiltshire Housing Society is one of the first in the country to open a dedicated resource centre run by tenants, for tenants.

The centre is based at 63 Manor Road, in Trowbridge, and opens three times a week, staffed by members of the society's tenants' forum.

The centre was officially opened last week.

Society spokesman Ellie Phillips said: "It is a very new concept, the first in west Wiltshire. There are only a few in the country."

The centre is linked by phone and computer to the housing society HQ at Bryer Ash business park, so queries can be passed to society staff.

The centre will also provide a meeting place for tenants, and will house the monthly estate surgery, which is manned by society staff.

The one-stop shop is open Monday 10am-1pm; Wednesday 5.30pm-8.30pm; and Friday 1pm-4pm. The telephone number is (01225) 719265.