A charity dance scooped £8,000 for a children's hospital.

A total of £16,000 has now been raised towards the total of £25,000 needed for a life support machine for the Bristol Children's Hospital.

Around 200 Swindon revellers enjoyed the Christmas Charity Show at the Blunsdon House Hotel.

The event was run by John Holmes to swell the coffers of his Holmes Music Charity Appeal.

"Several parents whose very sick children were helped by the hospital were there to give support and meet up again with the medical team that helped save their children,'' said John.

The cabaret featured the vocalists Beryl Jones and Bob Maskell and pianist John Davies.

The partygoers danced the night away to Night Ride, the show band from Cheltenham and the MC for the evening was Geoff Marsh from Stage Struck. Dr Stephen Marriage from the hospital received the cheque which included the £3,585 received from a sponsored leg wax for men.

The next Holmes Music Charity event is on Thursday at the Upper Room, Regent Street, when the Swindon Citadel Salvation Army Band and vocalists will perform in the Christmas Carol and Music Show.

Tickets are £6 from Holmes Music in faringdon road telephone swindon 526393.