FOLLOWING accusations that it was bribing its way into getting approval for a development of five houses in Malmesbury, Persimmon Homes has refused to forego its development plans and give over land for a skateboard park.

At a town council planning meeting on November 27, critics, including Mayor John Bowen, said Persimmon was attempting to bribe the council by offering to build a skate park alongside the development, which would be on a recreational area overlooking Morse Close.

At a follow-up meeting on Tuesday, Mayoress Julia Bowen asked why the skateboard park, and drainage of the play area at Reeds Farm, had been included as part of the development.

Coun Charles Vernon, chairman of the planning committee, said the town council had written to Persimmon Homes asking it to give over the land and forego its plans, but Persimmon has refused, saying the skateboard park represented compensation and the land is connected to the development.

The application will be discussed again by the town council's planning committee on Tuesday.