AMBITIOUS plans to improve the sport and leisure facilities in Dilton Marsh were put on hold by west Wiltshire district councillors last week.

The parish council's sports and leisure committee carried out a survey in the village in October last year and had a public meeting to assess demand for a single storey sports hall and enlarged car park.

Most residents were in favour, as the junior school would have access to the facilities and a football team is being formed.

However, some argued that the access to the site was unsuitable, an enlarged car park would add to drainage problems in the area, and the new building would be vulnerable to vandalism.

Sports and leisure committee member, David Brown, said: "The plans have been self-funded and they were submitted in May this year. If the council is not happy with them then I hope it will give us the chance to change them rather than supply new ones."

Nigel Britton, the district council's area development control officer, said the present plans blocked public footpaths and, before permission was given, this would have to be changed.

The district councillors all voted in favour of deferring the plans.