ARTIST Tim Fish held his first exhibition in England this week above the new dining hall at Warminster School.

In his relatively short painting career, Mr Fish has held four exhibitions in his homeland of Tasmania.

Mr Fish has been painting professionally for only 13 years.

The subjects of his watercolours range from stunning maritime scenes to rural or familiar places in and around the county.

Although Mr Fish is a self-taught artist, it is his obvious love of and familiarity with his home country, which comes through in much of his paintings.

He has developed his talents through sheer hard work on top of his full-time teaching commitments at Warminster School.

School librarian Clem Norrington-Davies said: "It's a wonderful exhibition and he is a remarkable talent. We're proud to have someone like him at the school.

"It's the first time a teacher has held an exhibition here and he's made use of an excellent facility above the new dining hall."