IS IT a reflection on today's litigious society when we read in your December 7 edition that a father feels he has to sue his son's rugby club after having been injured while watching a game?

It would appear to me that anyone going to watch an amateur sporting event should take responsibility for their own safety, ensuring they watch the game from a safe distance and not put themselves at risk.

Without striking too personal a note, it seems to me very sad that Cecil Dredge has only just shown an interest in his son's obviously successful and probably established rugby career by attending his first match, when most parents take an interest in their children's sporting ambitions from an early age.

Like all sports clubs, they are there to provide an amenity for the local community, and I find it saddening that Mr Cecil Dredge feels this course of action for personal gain is necessary when surely he should have been aware of the situation he was placing himself in.

I hope Mr Dredge senior reconsiders and decides to withdraw any action against Westbury Rugby Club, as it would be a desperate shame for all concerned, including the town of Westbury, if another leisure facility should be forced to close.