I AM 100 per cent behind your campaign against fly tipping, but I feel that there is another side of the coin which should be looked at.

Until a few months ago, we in Bradford on Avon had a skip available once every week between the hours of 5pm and 7pm where one could dispose of almost all forms of domestic rubbish.

This service was discontinued and replaced by a skip once every fortnight which would only take a very restricted range of household rubbish. Additionally, it was only available from 9am-4pm, and hence could not be used by anyone working normal hours.

At the time this change was announced, I wrote to the council and pointed out this was bound to lead to a radical increase in fly tipping. I did not have the courtesy of any acknowledgement of my letter. This change was purported to produce an 'improvement in service'. In practice, of course, it was designed to save money and it has certainly given rise to a serious deterioration in refuse collection services.

Although a restoration of the weekly comprehensive skip during evening hours would not obviate all fly tipping it would certainly help and would remove any excuses that a fly tipper had.

I would add that the situation has not been helped by the fact that your paper has, over the last two weeks, stopped giving information as to when and where the current restricted skip services is available.


Bainton Close,

Bradford on Avon.

l Bowerhill, Melksham's new manned recycling centre is open seven days a week, 9am-4pm. Furnax Lane, Warminster has a manned recycling centre, open seven days a week, 9am-6pm.

Both are closed Christmas day, Boxing day and New Year's Day, and both will open later in the summer, hours to be confirmed.

Trowbridge is to have a new recycling centre, to open some time next year.

Additionally, there is a skip at Upper Broad Street car park, Trowbridge, each Friday, 7am-4pm, taking green waste, textiles and recyclable material.

This information will appear in our community news pages from next week.