A DANCE group from Swindon has won 16 top awards in a nationwide competition.

The dancers from the Judith Hockaday School of Dance and Drama won the awards in the finals of the Grandison Clark National Dance Awards at the Commonwealth Institute in London.

The school gained awards in 10 of the 12 sections and also won the choreographic award for the production and performance of the Junior Group Prize winners.

The award winners range in age from nine to 15 years of age.

The winners were Harriet Blackler, 12, Kara Fogerty, 13, Jenna Anderson, 14, Charlotte Tucker, 15, Eleanor Popp, nine, Charlotte Doell, nine, Kirsty-Ann Farrow, 14, Rachael Gillespie, 14, Hannah Farrow, 12, Georgina Marsh, 11, Jasmine Cochrane-Wild, nine, Laura Kenyon, nine, Emily Cooper, 13, Emily Bizley, 13, Collette Coleman, 14 and Hannah Meadows, 14.

The group practices at St Saviors Church Hall on Ashford Road.