SHOPKEEPERS in Trowbridge are bracing themselves for a rise in the number of attempted thefts when schools break up for the summer holidays.

Workers in town centre shops spoke of a massive problem with shoplifting but said security measures were in place to deter and catch thieves.

Trowbridge police have launched a summer clampdown campaign to try and reduce crime levels over the holidays.

There will be more foot patrols in the town, concentrating on the town centre and the park.

Insp Jon Tapper said: "This isn't targeting young people in the school holidays it is people across all the age groups who have more time to spare.

"This summer we hope to

keep any anti-social behaviour

to a minimum."

It is also hoped that the town's newly installed CCTV system will deter troublemakers.

Sandra Chappell, who works at Bastins, Fore Street, said shoplifting was an issue at this time of year.

"We usually see people taking stuff at least once or twice a month," she said.

"Mostly they're kids in gangs of five or six and they take small stuff they think people won't notice."

She said her shop did not have cameras so they had to keep their eyes out for "suspicious-looking people."

Tracey Ponting of Unwins, Stallard Street said cases of shoplifting had decreased since they installed a security system.

"There is a problem but the people who know we have cameras don't try anything."

Most shops do not discuss security arrangements but one employee said shoplifting was a massive problem. "It's driving me mad".

The council is organising a programme of summer activities to give children something to do instead of being tempted to turn to crime.

The Trowbridge Area Festival of Fun (TAFF), now in its seventh year, begins on July 29.

Around 1,000 youngsters over the age of 11 will take part this year and activities range from trips to Alton Towers to quad biking, music workshops and sports events.

"We decided there was nothing for young people to do in the summer," said Steve Nash, Trowbridge sport and community development officer.

"TAFF has now become a great success."