CRICKLADE stayed in the hunt for second place in Dorset & Wilts Two North with a 27-6 win at Marlborough.

Jason Johnson's side moved level on points with second-placed Supermarine, with both sides in the hunt for an end-of-season promotion play-off.

Playing against the wind, Cricklade grabbed the lead with a Lloyd penalty against the run of play.

Then No 8 Steve Baldwin forced a gap for Lloyd to cross for a try and an 8-0 half-time lead.

After the break, Adam Vince's pass sent fly-half Simon Howse under the posts, Lloyd adding the conversation.

Then, prop Neil Bunce scored his first try for the club to make it 17-0.

Centre Gee scored another before home scrum-half Kevin Dobie went over for a try in the corner to make the score 22-5 but they had a man sent off before Howse sprinted the length of the pitch to seal it.