NOT more traffic lights. Have our councillors not yet realised that they have got the plans and the scribble pad mixed up?

We are going to have another set of costly and unnecessary lights at Westcott Place. Why? It's not an accident blackspot as far as I can recall but then I have only lived in Swindon for 60 years.

It will only create more problems, the same ones we have at the Mannington Roundabout. Traffic moved better without the lights, filters and bus lanes.

Does the person who gets paid to think these things out actually drive? It does make me wonder.

The council could make money by investing in the companies that make and install the lights they must be laughing all the way to the bank.

The council also went wrong with the destruction of many good things we once had in Swindon. I, as true Swindonian, remember many fine buildings we once had that have now sadly gone The Baptist Tabernacle, The Old Market Hall, the list would go on an on if I went back to the Swindon I knew as a child.

Thank goodness they can't pull the Railway Village down, but even there they have changed things and got it wrong. The Mechanics' Institute is a disgrace to the town.

Beautiful old buildings have been replaced with tents, and now we have the latest bit of rubbish, the twisted mess that is passed off as a clock.

One thing which was really fitting for the town was the statue of Brunel, but even that was placed the wrong way round. He has his back to the railway and the part of the town which he created.

J V ricketts

Queenborough, Toothill