THROUGH your letters page, I should like to thank all the local residents of Swindon Borough Council who responded to the appeal for more organ donors received with their electoral roll return in the autumn.

They have joined more than 10 million people across the country who have placed their names on the NHS Organ Donor Register pledging to save lives by allowing their organs to be used for transplantation after their death.

Transplant surgery is one of the most amazing advances in modern medicine and is helping to save and transform the lives of thousands of people every year but, sadly, many people still die because of a shortage of donor organs.

Campaigns such as the Vote for Life appeal supported by your local council are helping, but many more potential donors are needed if we are ever to overcome the chronic national shortage of organs available for transplant.

We know that 70 per cent of the population support transplantation but only 17 per cent have so far joined the NHS Organ Donor Register.

We need more people to put their names on the register and discuss their wishes with their families.

Anyone wanting to add their name to the NHS Organ Donor Register can do so online at or by ringing the Organ Donor Line on 0845 60 60 400.

Mrs Sue Sutherland

Chief Executive

UK Transplant

Fox Den Road
