MUCH has been made in your columns of the council tax increase for the next financial year and Swindon Borough Council's poor performance in recent years.

Councillors responsible for both these situation have made all manner of excuses but as far as I can ascertain none of them have explained why we should support their decisions in the future.

Whichever way you consider their performance it is abject and appears to be in almost every case much below the standards needed.

There are a very small number of councillors, of all political views, who have done a good job too few but the good ones should be recognised.

In May a number of councillors will present themselves for re election no doubt with lots of promises as to how this fair town will be a good place to live thanks to their efforts. Some may think it's a good place to live despite councillors' efforts and Swindon could be a much better place.

Swindon needs councillors who command confidence, are competent and committed as well as motivated for the right reasons.

Might I suggest that all councillors resign, not just those who have to stand down, and if they wish, stand for election again in May.

Candidates should be obliged to provide each elector with an independent, factual record of their skills, achievements and motivation.

I am sure voters will be interested on how they would go about putting right the many ills brought about in past years. Ills brought about by the incompetence and lack of skills and management demonstrated in much of Swindon Borough Council.

C G Scott

Sunningdale Road
