PLANS for five huge wind turbines have been backed by council planners despite concern from residents that they will be a blot on the landscape.

The turbines are to be built on land at Watchfield and will measure 266-feet in height - roughly the same size as the Brunel Centre tower in Swindon.

Swindon Councillors meeting last night voted in favour of the scheme because they said the long-term environmental benefits of wind power outweighed the visual drawbacks.

Councillor Derek Benfield (Covingham and Nythe, Labour) said: "We owe it to future generations."

And councillor Wendy Johnson (Old Town and Lawn, Lib Dem) said: "They don't look that bad to me."

The meeting heard that the turbines will provide in enough energy to supply 3,500 homes and there will be opportunity for local residents to buy shares in the scheme.

A final decision on the wind farm will be made by Vale of White Horse District Council.

Swindon Council was consulted because the proposed development is close to the borough boundary.