RESIDENT Gary Booth said he fears that if drivers do not stop parking illegally and carelessly in Colerne, a fatality will happen.

Badly parked cars on Tutton Hill are blocking the road and dustbin collectors are unable to get down the road on a Tuesday morning, he said.

Mr Booth is also worried that the emergency services are being held up by badly or illegally parked cars.

"Ambulances have lost vital minutes threading their way through the typical obstacle course presented by cars parked inconsiderately," he said.

He told the Gazette the problem had also spread to neighbouring roads, causing further hazards.

"Those who persistently park overnight in the High Street on double yellow lines opposite the Six Bells obstruct vehicles turning into or out of Tutton Hill. They completely block the visibility at what is an already dangerous junction," he said.

Mr Booth has pleaded to villagers through the parish magazine to park more considerately. "With the current state of parking fire engines often have no way of getting down the road at all, let alone quickly," he said.