IT is hardly surprising that a large and long-established Old Town retailer is talking about moving out and two more are already in the process of closing.

They, like most of the other shops in this once thriving business area, are sick of claims that better times are on the way.

Coun Mike Bawden (Con, Old Town and Lawns) should realise that promises of jam tomorrow are not helping shopkeepers in his area to swallow difficulties forced on them by the loss of parking spaces. Not to mention the change in Old Town's character which is already resulting from high density housing developments. These homes will bring more people, but if there are fewer shops they are unlikely to want to spend their money in the area.

Nobody will pretend that traffic congestion and parking problems could have been solved overnight. Traders who pay high business rates deserve a better return for their money. So do people who would love to stop and shop - if only they could find somewhere to leave the car.

Meter charges for Wood Street and the Square will not make a pennyworth of difference.