JANIE Thomas, a Fellow of the Landscape Institute, has branded the bollards erected on the Tolsey footpath as crass and insensitive.

Ms Thomas, of Gloucester Street, Malmesbury, wants the Friends of Malmesbury Abbey to reconsider the designs for five iron bollards put up beside the churchyard path in the last few weeks.

The bollards are part £37,500 scheme to floodlight the abbey and were included to allay residents' fears over safety.

The Friends have defended the design saying they have followed proper procedures and were restricted by funds.

Ms Thomas said she is in favour of the lighting the abbey but thinks the bollards are ill conceived, and is worried the rest of the lighting will not take account of the spiritual nature of the building.

She said: "The bollard should be moved from the centre of the Tolsey Arch to against the building, where it will not be visible on the approach from the Market Cross."

On the town website www.malmesbury-jackdaw.com the bollard was criticised because it might spoil future wedding photographs.

Chairman of the Friends appeal committee Caroline Pym said: "We had possible alternative bollards designed especially for the site but they would have cost £2,000 each." The bollards will be painted green with gold detail in the next few weeks.