I live on the estate that backs on to the field by the River Biss.

Several weeks ago I contacted the council to enquire who is responsible for the removal of rubbish particularly by the recycling bins where at that time there were piles of discarded clothing and other items.

It seemed people were beginning to use this field as a tip for anything that they did not want.

A young lady at the council informed me it was not up to them to remove this rubbish so I telephoned Hills Waste and spoke to a very helpful lady who was able to find out that the council are responsible for this problem. Most of the rubbish was then removed a few days later.

Now a few weeks later the rubbish is starting to appear again and every few days I have to collect at least a carrier bag full of crisp bags, sweet wrappers, shopping bags etc from the area in front of my house where it has blown up from the field.

Does nobody care about the state of the area in which they live anymore, the whole area around here is full of rubbish particularly by the bridge that crosses the road by Tesco.

I have just returned from the United States where everyone takes a pride in the appearance of their country and picked up rubbish they might have dropped, all housing areas and roads were spotless.

Isn't it about time Britain followed their example?

Name & address supplied.