Swindon mayor Stan Pajak, entered the spirit of Comic Relief this week by dyeing his hair red.

Councillor Pajak enthusiastically volunteered for the image change as part of his contribution to fundraising for Red Nose Day.

But the mayor is no stranger to changing his image, he played the part of Daisy Bell in a Cinderella, last month's pantomime by Dorcan Performing Arts Group.

Julian Clarke, manager and partner at Goldsworthy's hair salon said: "Its great that we brighten up the hair of such an important and well-known person in the town. It shows just how popular Comic Relief has become over the past few years."

Coun. Pajak who attended the salon in his mayoral chains said: "I am sure this hairstyle will turn a few heads and raise a few eyebrows at Friday night's council meeting but I am sure I won't be alone in the town when it comes to hair colour."

"I am just glad to have brought something bright into what is a gloomy world at the moment."