Michael Wilson has been Sky News business editor since 1995, anchoring nearly all of Sky's coverage of major business events from Budget specials to market crashes.

According to Michael, what businessmen really like to watch is chief executives being grilled.

He said: "You can tell a lot about companies by the body languages of their CEOs, and frankly they're not very good at body language in this country.

"Many seem to carry the worries of the shareholders on their backs you know, they're worried the shares will dip if they say anything out of line.

"But my answer to that is, God knows what they're like in the boardroom, because if you can't express yourself about your own knitting, how on earth can you be trusted to run a company? I don't have sympathy with them. I think they ought to be able to perform.

"I'm a firm believer in shareholder democracy and I think that as more and more people own shares, then chief executives have a duty to express themselves.

"And as we happen to live in a world of television, radio and newspapers, I want to know what's going on in the company."

Michael stressed that it is also important to make business coverage accessible to everyone, and not just the suits in their penthouse suites.

He explained: "I always try to think that if a non-business person were watching, why on earth would they be interested, and so try to make it relevant to them.

"And it's true, we do make an attempt to broaden the appeal of our coverage, particularly on stock market issues which seem to be highly technical. But you can't gimmick it up. I don't believe that works.

"I just try to emphasise the immediacy of the subject to make it seem more vital.

"However, what really brings business TV to life is a good performer, a good interviewee, and sadly there are very, very few of those around.

"It's not like in the United States where business has been the rock 'n' roll for a long time.

"So we have to struggle to find people who are good."

Michael, however, is convinced that business will one day become as popular a topic as the current slew of both DIY and reality programmes.

He said: "I am absolutely certain it will happen.

"If I could find the formula that would get it on at prime time, without gimmicks or trying to make it like a quiz show, or without making the people on it look like silly boffins, I would love to do it."