A HAND-made weather vane, a gift from the people of La Fleche, Chippenham's twin town, will be installed on the bandstand in John Coles Park.

The Mayor and members of the La Fleche Twinning Association presented the Mayor of Chippenham with the commemorative gift during their recent visit to mark the 20th anniversary of the twinning of the two towns.

The weather vane depicts an old breed of chicken known as La Poule de La Fleche. The chicken has horns on its head and is also known as devil chicken.

The weather vane is made of copper and differs from English weather vanes because the symbol for west is the French version Ouest. So instead of N, S, E and W it shows N, S, E and O.

It will be formally accepted by Chippenham Town Council on May 20 at 10am and installed on the roof of the bandstand in John Coles Park in the presence of the new Mayor, Desna Allen, and the former Mayor now Chairman of the Chippenham Twinning Association Richard Meek.

Mr Meek said: "This is a superb and unique gift which will enhance the beauty and visual impact of the bandstand which is itself, the centrepiece of a magnificent park.

"It will be a reminder for many years to come of the strong links that exist between Chippenham and La Fleche."