TEACHING staff at Preshute School, near Marlborough, can go to the top of the class after getting top marks from an Ofsted inspection.

Inspectors said standards in English and science are among the top five per cent in the country.

And they said: "This is a very good school. Inspirational leadership by the head teacher ensures a school where pupils, staff, governors and parents know they are valued for the part they play in achieving the school's aim for each child to experiences happiness, excitement and fulfilment."

The report goes on to say: "Learning at Preshute is interesting, challenging and fun. Relationships are excellent; pupils are confident and responsible young people.

"Very good teaching promotes and sustains high standards in national tests as well as very good behaviour.

"The school provides very good value for money."

The only two action points raised by the inspectors making even better use of the school's system for tracking pupils' progress and providing parents with more detailed information about how they can help their child at home had already been identified and acted upon by the school.

Since its last inspection in March 1998, said the report, improvement upon already high standards had been excellent.

"The school has sustained high standards in national tests and all key issues have been resolved very effectively.

Governors chairman Joyce White said said: "We were very pleased with the report but not altogether surprised."

She said credit for the school's success had to be given to the headteacher James Smith for his leadership and to the teaching staff for their commitment.