Residents in Manchester Road and Broad Street have every right to feel proud of what they have achieved in combating prostitution near their homes.

If it was not for their hard work in making Street Watch work, by carrying out patrols to gather evidence, these banning orders on working girls may not have worked.

But it is always important to remember that prostitution will never really disappear from our streets while young girls find themselves trapped in a world of exploitation and drug abuse.

And whatever the rights and wrongs of prostitution, Halina Matysiak is right to point out that her daughter Carina is not a monster.

For whatever reason, her life has sunk to a terrible low, and she is in need of help.

Of course, there are lots of hard-working volunteers out there who do their best to help turn these people's lives around.

But it is all too easy to forget that these girls are people and, like anyone else, deserve some kind of chance in life.