You can tell when it's summer in Swindon. How? Simple stand on the High Street in Old Town for half an hour and count how many cars go past with their windows and sunroofs open, blaring out obnoxiously loud, thumping, brain dead music.

I work in an office on the High Street and have been constantly distracted by this ever increasing menace to our society.

I would like to ask the young males who drive round and round in little circuits just why they think anyone is interested in hearing the dross they play.

Do they think that, when we're forced to pause a conversation because the racket is too loud, we are actually pausing to enjoy their rubbish?

I can tell you now, no one is impressed that you can create such a loud, formless noise.

All you do is attract the disdain of people.

I'm sick of hearing it thudding pointlessly during the day and I'm even more furious that the idiots choose to drive around past midnight volume racked up till the boot is rattling, showing the same lack of regard to anyone wishing to enjoy a quiet night's sleep.

These overly loud bass units create a lot of noise pollution and it's high time they were banned. For one they are annoying and, for another, they could be putting lives at risk.

They cannot hear the approach of a police car, fire engine or ambulance.

