SEVEN-year-old David Bricknell's idea to create a crocodile sandwich won him a prize in a supermarket competition.

Asda West Swindon challenged youngsters to describe their fantasy picnic sandwich.

And the Oliver Tomkins School pupil drew inspiration from his favourite TV personality, crocodile hunter Steve Irwin.

Young David said: "I am a big fan of Steve Irwin.

"My sandwich is in the shape of a crocodile.

"I used chocolate spread for the bones and skull and banana sweets for fishes," he explained.

The winning sandwich idea was then created by staff at the store.

Carol Hearne, Asda West Swindon bread supervisor and Janette Kilby, events co-ordinator, were the store judges.

Janette said: "It just had a bit of imagination.

"His was the only entrant that had a shape," the supermarket official added.

Runner-up, Amberstasia Gassmann, 11, of Toothill Primary School entered an American inspired peanut butter and jelly creation.

She said: "My sister nagged me to enter so I picked up an entrance form."

David won a one-night stay at the Camelot Theme Park in Lancashire, for a family of four, with breakfast and dinner included.

The runner-up also gets a free family entry ticket to Camelot Theme Park.