Ref. 26211-32SUMMER has come alive for two boys who were having trouble keeping cool because their mother could not find them a paddling pool.

Last Thursday's Evening Advertiser featured Broad Hinton brothers Charlie and Billy Forster, aged two and four, who were desperate to find a pool to play in.

But now their problem has been solved thanks to reader Zoe Woodward from Rodbourne.

The boys' mum, Helen, 29, from Broad Hinton, who is an auxiliary nurse at the Great Western Hospital, said she was amazed at the kindness of strangers after receiving more than 70 phone calls offering her boys a pool.

She said: "Every time I hung the phone up someone else would call me. They say there is no neighbourly spirit any more but this has proved it wrong.

"Everyone who contacted us has been brilliant."

Zoe, 21, said: "I have a 15-month old boy, Mitchell, and the only way I can keep him cool in this heat is in his paddling pool. So since I had a spare one I had to help them out.

"When we delivered it we blew it up with our electric pump but one of the boys was so excited that he kept on trying to sit in it before it was blown up! I'm glad I was able to help out."

Charlie, four, said: "The paddling pool is great. "I've already been in it and I didn't want to get out."