THE recent comments in your paper by Tory Swindon councillor Owen Lister (member for Abbey Meads) complaining about the density of buildings in the Northern Development area of Swindon, where 10,000 homes are being built, highlights the double standards and opportunism within the Tory party.

Whatever the pros or cons of the Northern Development, the people of Swindon and in particular those people represented by Coun Lister deserve to know the true facts behind this development.

In the mid to late 1980s the Labour controlled Thamesdown Council opposed the planning application for this development.

The developers appealed to the then Tory Government's Secretary of State, Nicholas Ridley, who pushed through the development against the wishes of the Labour controlled administration.

It is good to see a Tory councillor highlighting the mistakes and arrogance of a Tory Government.

This development was imposed on Swindon by the then Tory Government who thought they knew better than the local Labour councillors who opposed the development.


White Edge Moor

Liden, Swindon