It's that time of year again when the cynics come out and complain how easy the A Levels were this year and how exams are being dumbed down.

It doesn't help when directors of trade and industry boards come out and label the exams a joke (did any of them sit exams this year?).

If it keeps going at this rate, in five years time people will believe that there aren't any questions on the exam paper. Instead, students will be given full marks for simply spelling their own name and exam centre correctly.

Having initially taken my A levels ten years ago, I decided to do another in my spare time this year and took the exams this summer at one of the local colleges.

Therefore I feel that I can make an informed judgement on A levels when I say quite categorically that they are not getting easier. They are no harder but definitely no easier than ten years ago.

Why won't people give credit where credit is due? It couldn't possibly be that the students are working harder and realise that most businesses require further education in the highly competitive employment market.

So please people, spare a thought for the hard work and dedication of students before you go and make another misinformed sweeping generalisation about "the youth of today".


Station Road
