Ref. 26234-31A miniature hand-crafted mill will be the star lot in a charity auction. The mill, which comes complete with working lights, petite furniture and mini food items, is hoped to raise more than £1,000 for Prospect Hospice.

It has been made by 55-year-old Dave Selwood, from The Circle, in Pinehurst, who spent five months modelling the mill to perfection.

Dave, a semi-retired carpen-ter and joiner, who worked for up to five hours a day on the project, said: "I enjoy seeing buildings from the olden days and the mill is typically old fashioned.

"There are only two working mills left in Britain. This is modelled on the Rushiford Mill, near Durham, which I used to visit quite a lot when I was younger.

"I carried out quite a bit of research before even starting with the design which I found very interesting.

"There wasn't any particular part of it I enjoyed making most. I liked doing all of it, which is just as well as I was at it for so long.

"But it was good to put the finishing touches to it. It felt like it had been going on and on."

Dave, who has a heart condition so cannot work full- time, said: "I just do model making for fun. Hopefully it will raise lots of money for charity."

The flourmill comprises five rooms with a cottage on the side, a paddle wheel and sack lifts, which move up and down.

Dave has even fashioned tiny bags of flour out of old pieces of cloth, and filled them with rice.

It will be auctioned at the Wheatsheaf pub, in Stratton, on Sunday evening in aid of the Wroughton-based hospice.

It will follow a car boot sale, which starts at about 11am, and an afternoon of fun with children's entertainers Crystal and Dandelion in the pub garden.

Barmaid Sharon Leighfield, 29, said: "I'm looking forward to the day. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun and very busy.

"It will probably be a case of roller-skates behind the bar to keep up with it all.

"We have a friendly community here where the ages of customers ranging from 18 up to people in their 80s.

"The family fun day will have something for everyone."

For more information call the Wheatsheaf on 01793 723246.