Council Green Garden waste sacks. I write with regard to the above and in response to the two letters from Mr Godfrey and Ms Whiston.

The council approved the introduction of a charge for the collection of garden waste in 1990 and it is a service that has been operating over the years with a continuing steady increase in the number of sacks sold. There has never been any suggestion that the waste collected in these sacks would be separated for recycling.

The garden waste pre-paid sack service is specifically provided for those persons who find it inconvenient to take their waste to the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Barnfield Road or find the alternative of composting green waste in the garden a difficult task.

Swindon has to meet new targets set by the government to recycle or compost 36 per cent of household waste by 2005/06. It is clear that to reach such demanding targets an emphasis will have to be placed on green waste. However, what is not clear is how additional funding can be provided for such a service.

A separate collection of garden waste is one of several options outlined in the public consultation document Municipal Waste Management strategy for Swindon 2002 to 2007. During the consultation period from April 1 to August 31 2002 this strategy was presented at Area Panels and other public meetings. Most respondents favoured a collection of dry recyclables from their homes. The full document was available to view at the Civic Offices and other council offices.

All comments received during that consultation period continue to be used to assist in the formation of the final strategy.

J F Short


Swindon Services