I am the treasurer of a day care centre in Trowbridge and my life is being made an absolute misery by the amount of paperwork I'm now getting.

This is also making it difficult to recruit volunteers especially treasurers, secretaries and organisers. Who is responsible for all this extra work and hassle? The Government and Wiltshire County Council.

During the last month or so I've had four lots of paperwork to fill in: one for the county council and three for the Charity Commission.

In the case of the county council, this is a completely new thing, and in the case of the Charity Commission the second and third batches are largely a repeat of the first lot.

This is simply an unwarranted imposition on willing volunteers, we don't want it or deserve it.

May I suggest two possible solutions: an extra grant to pay for a specialist to fill it all in, or the forms provided online so we can fill them in just once, then each year send back the same form with just a few of the figures changed.

If it takes up either of my ideas, the council will at least fulfil two of its three objectives: it will still waste public money, and it will still waste time, but it wouldn't make the lives of volunteers like myself so difficult and put off new volunteers. I'm certainly not doing this lot next year!

G Hedley,
