JAMES Bond villain Richard Kiel, who played the character Jaws, will be in Swindon next week.

On Thursday, he will be signing autographs and meeting fans at Infinitely Better, the memorabilia store in the Brunel Centre from 4pm.

Kiel, who is 7ft 2 inches tall, played the character of Jaws in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker.

He was most famous for his steel teeth, which he often used to bite through metal.

The actor, who is now 64, has also starred in films such as The Nutty Professor, Happy Gilmore and Inspector Gadget.

Since its opening in summer 2002, the store has attracted more than 20,000 people to its signings.

In October, five Bond girls came to the town and next month Amber Benson, who plays Tara in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, will be in the store to sign autographs.

In the new year stars from Stargate SG-1 Christopher Judge and Michael Shanks will be at Infinitely Better.

Linda Thorson, who plays Tara King in The Avengers, will also be in the store in February.

Steve Goss, managing director of the store, said: "One thing Infinitely Better like to do is live up to their name.

"We ensure that stars are treated as such and we always do things in style and as big as we can.

"The Richard Kiel signing is going to be huge in more ways than one."

Infinitely Better can be found on the first floor of the Brunel Centre. Visit: www.theibstore.com or call 01793 484048 for further details.