Re: It's a great testimony to hospital, Evening Advertiser column Nov 14. I must agree with every word that was written about the treatment and compassion given to Mrs Moore in her last days.

The paragraph that took my eye and I quote: "The hospital has a wonderful building, which has dedicated, talented and caring staff working inside." Unfortunately on the day this was printed there was not one bed available in the whole of the Great Western Hospital.

When this hospital was first in the planning stages, they were warned time and time again that there were not enough beds planned. All this was blithely ignored by the powers that be who assured everyone that they knew best. The new hospital opened, and surprise, surprise, there weren't enough beds, so they converted offices to make more bed space and here we are back to square one again.

I expect we shall have some hospital spokesman wheeled out again to tell us there is plenty of room for the hospital to expand, this is scant comfort for people waiting for a bed, having to wait for the bricklayers to finish a new wing for them.

It is no good having dedicated, talented and caring staff, if there are no beds to treat the patients in. It's time this scandal was sorted out.


Cricklade Road, Swindon