A PLANNING application for a new skatepark in Chippenham could be submitted early in the New Year, says North Wiltshire district councillor Carol O'Gorman.

She said she hopes to put in a bid for funding in next year's budget for the long-awaited skatepark at Westmead.

But resident Doug Cleverly, of The Paddocks, said people feared it would devalue their properties. "This is just moving the problem from Monkton Park to Westmead," he said.

Mr Cleverly said residents were also concerned about possible drug use and anti social behaviour from young people hanging out at the skatepark.

He said they would object to any planning application.

The skatepark would cost £60,000 to build and a further £20,000 for the Tarmac area. A security fence could cost a further £11,000.

The district council is now looking to the town council to help with the capital and running costs.