LIBRARIAN Hilary Glyde has booked a place in this year's London Marathon - at the fifth attempt.

Mrs Glyde, who is Wilton community librarian and also runs Mere, Tisbury and Downton libraries and the mobile library, will take her place on April 18.

"I shall be 50 in March and started running in my mid-40s," explained Mrs Glyde, who lives in Salisbury with her husband and two children and is raising money for Cancer Research UK.

"I took up fitness about seven years ago when I came back to work after having been at home with my children.

"I started going to Harpers at the Five Rivers Leisure Centre and really enjoyed the running.

"I did the Race for Life in aid of Cancer Research UK - they gave me '1' as my number, as if I were the star athlete, and it was my first race!

"I have done a few charity runs, mainly for Cancer Research UK, and some long-distance walks for Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.

"I thought about doing the London Marathon, but you have to go into a ballot and at my fifth attempt I have got a place."

Mrs Glyde said Mary Cole, the vice-chairman of the Salisbury committee of Cancer Research UK, comes to the library and the pair got talking about the marathon.

"I asked her if she would like me to run for Cancer Research UK," she said.

"It's fun to run, but raising money to help other people is the most important thing.

"People have found out about what I am doing and have been very supportive."

Mrs Glyde's training has begun in earnest - she has a personal trainer, Dan Fivey, and follows a programme of road work and long-distance walking.

"I have done a couple of half marathons, but never a full marathon," she said.

"My son and daughter think I am mad!"

Mrs Cole said she and fellow committee members were "absolutely delighted" that Mrs Glyde was running for Cancer Research UK.

"We are thrilled," she said, "And if anyone else would like to run for the charity, that would be marvellous."

Anyone running in this year's London Marathon who would like to raise money for Cancer Research UK should contact the committee on 01722 333642.